NRS 445 Topic 2 DQ 1

NRS 445 Topic 2 DQ 1

Grounded theory and phenomenology are the two most commonly employed qualitative research methodologies (Pope & Mays, 2019). Grounded theory is a research methodology that entails the development of theory by analyzing data. The HR department in healthcare industries frequently employs grounded theory. For example, researchers may investigate the factors contributing to employee dissatisfaction in the workplace. The HR department collects and analyses the data to identify the underlying causes of their issues and proposes solutions. Conversely, phenomenology is a research methodology that seeks to understand the participants’ subjective experiences and points of view (Urcia, 2021). This research methodology is grounded in the understanding that a single experience can be subject to multiple interpretations and that each participant’s interpretation shapes the reality of the experience. Investigating the real-life struggles of talented but ADHD-diagnosed high school kids is one use of phenomenology qualitative research.

Phenomenological research and grounded theory share similarities as qualitative research methods that seek to comprehend human experiences and behaviors (Burns et al., 2022). The main data-collecting techniques for both approaches are observations, interviews, and document analysis. Both approaches are inductive, beginning with specific observations and measures and progressing toward broader generalizations and theories. Both methods recognize the subjective nature of human experience and the significance of the researcher’s interpretation.

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There exist notable distinctions between the two qualitative research methodologies. To start, one study method that involves constructing theory via data analysis is grounded theory. Phenomenology, on the other hand, is an approach to research that seeks to understand research participants’ subjective, lived experiences and perspectives (Urcia, 2021). Phenomenology aids in the analysis and evaluation of life experiences, while grounded theory facilitates the analysis and evaluation of phenomena. In phenomenology, the theoretical framework is chosen before data collection, whereas in grounded theory, the theoretical framework is chosen after data collection. Grounded theory employs diverse data collection methods, while phenomenology exclusively relies on interviews for data gathering.


Burns, M., Bally, J., Burles, M., Holtslander, L., & Peacock, S. (2022). Constructivist Grounded Theory or Interpretive Phenomenology? Methodological Choices Within Specific Study Contexts. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, p. 21, 160940692210777.

Pope, C., & Mays, N. (2019). The Role of Theory in Qualitative Research. Qualitative Research in Health Care, 15–26.

Urcia, I. A. (2021). Comparisons of Adaptations in Grounded Theory and Phenomenology: Selecting the Specific Qualitative Research Methodology. International Journal of Qualitative Methods20(1), 1–14.


The three types of qualitative research designs are phenomenological, grounded theory, and ethnographic research. Compare the differences and similarities between two of the three types of qualitative studies and give an example of each.

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