NUR 621 Benchmark – Staffing Matrix

NUR 621 Benchmark – Staffing Matrix

Benchmark: Staffing Matrix

Financial management is important in every sector, including healthcare and nursing. As such, it is vital for nurses and nurse leaders to possess the required skills to make budgeting decisions concerning different functionalities, such as staff, based on sound financial management principles and compliance guidelines (Harrington et al.,2020). Therefore, the purpose of this assignment is to develop a staffing matrix based on a 30-bed inpatient unit with the assumption that the beds are full. In addition, this assignment will explore the difference between a staffing matrix and a model, why it is important to use a staffing matrix in the healthcare setting, a description of the staffing matrix, and an explanation of how staffing can be adjusted based on patient census and patient acuity.

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Difference between Staffing Model and Staffing Matrix and The Staffing Model to be Used

            Both the staffing matrix and staffing model are vital in the patient care environment, especially in managing the workforce. However, there are notable differences. The staffing model is used in the management and planning of staffing needs or requirements. Hence, leaders can know the number of staff required to help the facility achieve its goals and objectives. As such, it has parts such as the anticipated workload, productivity standards, budget constraints, and goals. Comparatively, a staffing matrix is used to determine staffing levels for a hospital unit or facility and includes elements such as the staff numbers, the number of individuals required for a specific period or shift, and the respective roles (Yinusa & Faezipour, 2023). Different staffing models exist. The model used is the nurse-patient model.

Importance of Using Staffing Matrix in Health Care Setting and The Budgetary Implications

            As earlier highlighted, the staffing matrix is important in the healthcare setting. One of the importance is that it helps promote care quality and patient safety by ensuring that the number of staff present is enough and qualified. The staffing matrix also supports the appropriate allocation of reasons since it guides the nurse leaders to use patient needs, acuity, and workload to ensure that resources are well allocated (Bettencourt et al.,2020). By avoiding overstaffing or understaffing, the use of the tool also fosters cost control. Cost control is also promoted through an alignment of the staffing levels with patient demand and budget constraints.

The use of a staffing matrix also promotes workload by considering patient acuity, nurse skills, and expected workload. This approach leads to a balanced workload, which in turn helps fight undesirable effects such as burnout. Its use also promotes patient-centered care by ensuring that the staffing levels used are in proportion with the patient’s needs (Bettencourt et al.,2020). Using a staffing matrix has several budgetary implications. For instance, it can lead to waste reduction and cutting of costs since the available resources are appropriately allocated. Such an approach also ensures that there is no duplication of resources, hence cost management.


Description of the Staffing Matrix, the FTEs, and Sound Financial Management Principles Used

            The staffing matrix under consideration is that of a 30-bed capacity inpatient hospital, with an assumption that all the beds are at full capacity throughout the week. From the table, twenty registered nurses are required. It is worth noting that five serve during the night shift while the rest are for the day shift due to the higher demands of the day shift. Eight nurse assistants are also required, with half working during the night shift while the remaining half working during the day. Sound financial management principles that were used in formulating the staffing matrix are justification and flexibility. Four unit managers are also required, with two working in each shift.

Patient Census 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
The staff Scheduled Hours The length of the shift Number of Staff
Day Shift
RN 840 16 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
NA 224 16 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Unit Coordinator 112 16 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Night Shift
RN 175 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
NA 140 10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
 Unit Coordinator 70 10 2 2 2 2 2 2 2


Eight hours have been considered for the day shift; hence, weekly, 8×7 = 56.

The calculation for FTE for RNs is as follows.

Day shift: 120 hours (15 RNs) + Night Shift: 25 hours (5 RNs) =145 total hours

FTE for the RNs = 145 hours/40 hours per week  =3.6 FTE

Calculations for the Nurse Assistants are as shown below:

Day shift: 20 hours (4 NAs) + Night shift: 20hours (4 NAs)  =40 hours

FTE = 40/40 =1 FTE

The FTE calculation for the Unit coordinators is shown below:

Day shift: 16 hours (2 coordinators) + Night shift: 10 hours (2 coordinators) = 26 hours

FTE = 26/40 = 0.65 FTE.

Adjusting Staffing Based on Changes In Patient Census

            The patient census can be adjusted based on changes such as the patient census. If the patient census increases, the staffing needs are adjusted so that the nurses present can handle the number of patients appropriately (Riley et al.,2021). However, a lower patient census may require a reduction in the number of staff needed. Therefore, leaders should be aware of the changes in patient censuses to adjust staffing needs accordingly.

Adjusting Staffing Based on Changes In Patient Acuity

            Apart from patient census, patient acuity can also lead to adjusting staffing needs. When there is patient acuity is reduced, implying that the patients are more stable, they may not need comprehensive and elaborate care. Hence, staffing needs may be adjusted downwards, leading to reduced staff (Riley et al.,2021). On the other hand, an increase in patient acuity may require an increase in the staffing needed to support comprehensive and elaborate care.


            This benchmark assignment has focused on the staffing model and staffing matrix. In particular, the staffing matrix has been covered in more detail. A matrix table has been formulated to help calculate the FTEs required for the unit coordinator, nurse assistants, and registered.



Bettencourt, A. P., McHugh, M. D., Sloane, D. M., & Aiken, L. H. (2020). Nurse staffing, the clinical work environment, and burn patient mortality. Journal of Burn Care & Research41(4), 796-802.

Harrington, C., Dellefield, M. E., Halifax, E., Fleming, M. L., & Bakerjian, D. (2020). Appropriate nurse staffing levels for US nursing homes. Health Services Insights13, 1178632920934785.

Riley, Y., Stitt, J., Hill, C. M., Stutzman, S. E., Venkatachalam, A. M., Aguilera, V., & Ifejika, N. L. (2021). Implementation of the MATRIX Staffing Grid Improves Nurse Satisfaction with Rehabilitation Unit Staffing. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 53(4), 183-187. 10.1097/JNN.0000000000000593.

Yinusa, A., & Faezipour, M. (2023). Optimizing Healthcare Delivery: A Model for Staffing, Patient Assignment, and Resource Allocation. Applied System Innovation6(5), 78.


Assessment Traits

Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to prepare you to make budgeting decisions regarding staffing based on sound financial management principles and compliance guidelines.

For this assignment, you are the nurse leader of your unit and have to account for all staffing. Using sound financial management principles, develop a Staffing Matrix that includes labor hours using Excel. (Chapter 6 in your textbook provides an example to follow.)

You may choose to develop your Staffing Matrix based on your current work setting or on a 30-bed inpatient unit. Develop your matrix as though all beds are full.

After completing the Staffing Matrix, write a 750- to 1,000-word essay addressing the following:

  • Describe the difference between a staffing model and a staffing matrix. Explain which type of staffing model you are using.
  • Explain why it is important to use a staffing matrix in your health care setting. What are the budgetary implications?
  • Briefly describe your staffing matrix. How many FTEs (full-time equivalents) on the staffing roster are required to cover daily needs? What sound financial management principles did you use to determine your matrix?
  • Explain how you would adjust your staffing based on changes in the patient census.
  • Explain how you would adjust your staffing based on changes in the patient acuity.

Submit your Staffing Matrix and your essay as one deliverable.

Include 2–4 peer-reviewed resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

MSN Leadership in Health Care Systems

6.4: Apply sound financial management principles to allocate resources within health care organizations.

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Benchmark – Staffing Matrix – Rubric




Rubric Criteria

Total125 points

Criterion 1. Unsatisfactory 2. Insufficient 3. Approaching 4. Acceptable 5. Target
Staffing Matrix

Staffing Matrix

0 points

Does not develop a staffing matrix using Excel.

35 points

Incorrectly develops a staffing matrix that includes labor hours using Excel.

38.5 points

Somewhat develops a staffing matrix that includes labor hours using Excel.

40.25 points

Correctly develops a staffing matrix that includes labor hours using Excel.

43.75 points

Professionally develops a staffing matrix that includes labor hours using Excel.

Essay: Description of Staffing Model Versus Staffing Matrix

Essay: Description of Staffing Model Versus Staffing Matrix

0 points

Does not describe the differences between a staffing model and a staffing matrix and which staffing model is being used.

10 points

Incomprehensibly describes the differences between a staffing model and a staffing matrix and which staffing model is being used.

11 points

Attempts to describe the differences between a staffing model and a staffing matrix and which staffing model is being used.

11.5 points

Properly describes the differences between a staffing model and a staffing matrix and which staffing model is being used.

12.5 points

Comprehensively describes the differences between a staffing model and a staffing matrix and which staffing model is being used.

Essay: Importance of Using a Staffing Matrix and Budgetary Implications

Essay: Importance of Using a Staffing Matrix and Budgetary Implications

0 points

Does not explain why it is important to use a staffing matrix in the health care setting nor the budgetary implications.

10 points

Inaccurately explains why it is important to use a staffing matrix in the health care setting, as well as the budgetary implications.

11 points

Broadly explains why it is important to use a staffing matrix in the health care setting, as well as the budgetary implications.

11.5 points

Accurately explains why it is important to use a staffing matrix in the health care setting, as well as the budgetary implications.

12.5 points

Compellingly explains why it is important to use a staffing matrix in the health care setting, as well as the budgetary implications.

Essay: Description of Staffing Matrix, FTEs, and Financial Management (B) (B)

Essay: Description of Staffing Matrix, FTEs, and Financial Management (C6.4) (C6.4)

0 points

Does not describe the staffing matrix, as well as how many FTEs on the staffing roster are required to cover daily needs and/or the sound financial management principles used to determine the staffing matrix.

10 points

Unclearly describes the staffing matrix, as well as how many FTEs on the staffing roster are required to cover daily needs and the sound financial management principles used to determine the staffing matrix.

11 points

Partially describes the staffing matrix, as well as how many FTEs on the staffing roster are required to cover daily needs and the sound financial management principles used to determine the staffing matrix.

11.5 points

Clearly describes the staffing matrix, as well as how many FTEs on the staffing roster are required to cover daily needs and the sound financial management principles used to determine the staffing matrix.

12.5 points

Thoroughly describes the staffing matrix, as well as how many FTEs on the staffing roster are required to cover daily needs and the sound financial management principles used to determine the staffing matrix.

Essay: Adjusting Staffing Based on Patient Census

Essay: Adjusting Staffing Based on Patient Census

0 points

Does not explain how to adjust the staffing based on changes in the patient census.

10 points

Poorly explains how to adjust the staffing based on changes in the patient census.

11 points

Briefly explains how to adjust the staffing based on changes in the patient census.

11.5 points

Succinctly explains how to adjust the staffing based on changes in the patient census.

12.5 points

Expertly explains how to adjust the staffing based on changes in the patient census.

Essay: Adjusting Staffing Based on Patient Acuity

Essay: Adjusting Staffing Based on Patient Acuity

0 points

Does not explain how to adjust the staffing based on changes in the patient acuity.

10 points

Poorly explains how to adjust the staffing based on changes in the patient acuity.

11 points

Briefly explains how to adjust the staffing based on changes in the patient acuity.

11.5 points

Succinctly explains how to adjust the staffing based on changes in the patient acuity.

12.5 points

Expertly explains how to adjust the staffing based on changes in the patient acuity.

Development, Structure, and Conclusion

Advances position or purpose throughout writing; conclusion aligns to and evolves from development.

0 points

No advancement of the thesis, position, or purpose is evident. Connections between paragraphs are missing or inappropriate. No conclusion is offered.

5 points

Limited advancement of thesis, position, or purpose is discernable. There are inconsistencies in organization or the relationship of ideas. Conclusion is simplistic and not fully aligned to the development of the purpose.

5.5 points

The thesis, position, or purpose is advanced in most aspects. Ideas clearly build on each other. Conclusion aligns to the development of the purpose.

5.75 points

The thesis, position, or purpose is logically advanced throughout. The progression of ideas is coherent and unified. A clear and plausible conclusion aligns to the development of the purpose.

6.25 points

The thesis, position, or purpose is coherently and cohesively advanced throughout. The progression of ideas is coherent and unified. A convincing and unambiguous conclusion aligns to the development of the purpose.

Mechanics of Writing

Includes spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, language use, sentence structure, etc.

0 points

Errors in grammar or syntax are pervasive and impede meaning. Incorrect language choice or sentence structure errors are found throughout.

5 points

Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors are present. Inconsistencies in language choice or sentence structure are recurrent.

5.5 points

Occasional mechanical errors are present. Language choice is generally appropriate. Varied sentence structure is attempted.

5.75 points

Few mechanical errors are present. Suitable language choice and sentence structure are used.

6.25 points

No mechanical errors are present. Skilled control of language choice and sentence structure are used throughout.


Uses appropriate style, such as APA, MLA, etc., for college, subject, and level; documents sources using citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., appropriate to assignment and discipline.

0 points

Appropriate format is not used. No documentation of sources is provided.

5 points

Appropriate format is attempted, but some elements are missing. Frequent errors in documentation of sources are evident.

5.5 points

Appropriate format and documentation are used, although there are some obvious errors.

5.75 points

Appropriate format and documentation are used, with only minor errors.

6.25 points

No errors in formatting or documentation are present. Selectivity in the use of direct quotations and synthesis of sources is demonstrated.

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