Advanced Health Assessment and Dignostistic Reasoning With Skills Lab Assignment

Advanced Health Assessment and Dignostistic Reasoning With Skills Lab Assignment

Question 1: Hemorrhoids

Briefly discuss the condition/disorder.

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Hemorrhoids are the swelling of the anal and lower rectum veins. They can either be internal if they develop inside the rectum or external if they develop around the anus. Factors such as intense pressure application on rectal and renal veins cause hemorrhoids (Ma et al., 2020).

Describe the symptoms and physical exam findings associated with the condition/disorder.

The symptoms associated with hemorrhoids include painless bleeding with bowel movements, prolapsed hemorrhoids, anal pain, irritation, itching, and swelling. The physical examination findings include the presence of bleeding, anal swelling, and prolapse (Lakmal et al., 2021).

Identify appropriate laboratory, imaging, and other diagnostic/screening tools that apply to the disorder and explain how they will help you with your diagnosis.

The appropriate laboratory, imaging, and diagnostics that should be done in hemorrhoids include a complete blood count, colonoscopy, digital rectal exam, and fecal occult blood test. A complete blood count would rule out anemia while a colonoscopy will evaluate the source of bleeding and rule out scarring and obstruction.

List two other conditions that could cause a similar presentation (differential diagnoses) and explain how you would “rule out” those differentials.

The two differential diagnoses that should be considered for hemorrhoids are perianal abscess and anal or rectal cancer. Patients with perianal abscess present with symptoms such as pus drainage and fever, which are not evident in hemorrhoids. Patients with anal or rectal cancer present with changes in bowel habits while those with hemorrhoids complain of chronic constipation (Lakmal et al., 2021).


Lakmal, K., Basnayake, O., Jayarajah, U., & Samarasekera, D. N. (2021). Clinical Outcomes and Effectiveness of Laser Treatment for Hemorrhoids: A Systematic Review. World Journal of Surgery, 45(4), 1222–1236.

Ma, W., Guo, J., Yang, F., Dietrich, C. F., & Sun, S. (2020). Progress in endoscopic treatment of hemorrhoids. Journal of Translational Internal Medicine, 8(4), 237–244.

Question 2: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder-Predominantly Hyperactive Type

Briefly discuss the condition/disorder.

Attention deficit hyperactivity predominantly hyperactive type is a mental health disorder that is characterized by impulsivity and hyperactivity. Patients demonstrate symptoms such as fidgeting, difficulty concentrating, interrupting others, and engaging in risky behaviors (Kessi et al., 2022).

Describe the symptoms and physical exam findings associated with the condition/disorder.

Patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder-predominantly hyperactive type have symptoms, including fidgeting, difficulties remaining seated, restlessness, difficulties in participating in leisure activities, excessive talking, not waiting for their turns, and interrupting others. The physical examination findings in such patients include fidgeting, restlessness, inattention, excessive talking, and difficulties in waiting for their turns (de la Peña et al., 2020). They also have minimal interest in leisure activities.

Identify appropriate laboratory, imaging, and other diagnostic/screening tools that apply to the disorder and explain how they will help you with your diagnosis.

The appropriate imaging for patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder-predominantly hyperactive type includes single-photon emission computed tomography and positron emission tomography. The imaging reveals abnormal changes in brain structure and contents, which might explain the symptoms seen in the disorder (Kessi et al., 2022).

List one physiologic condition that could cause a similar presentation to the psychiatric condition you selected (differential diagnoses) and explain how you would “rule out” those differentials.

Anxiety disorders are some of the differential diagnoses that should be considered in patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder- predominantly hyperactive. One will differentiate anxiety disorders from the disorder based on complaints such as excessive worry and anxiety beyond the patient’s control, which are not evident in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder- predominantly hyperactive (de la Peña et al., 2020).


de la Peña, I. C., Pan, M. C., Thai, C. G., & Alisso, T. (2020). Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Predominantly Inattentive Subtype/Presentation: Research Progress and Translational Studies. Brain Sciences, 10(5), Article 5.

Kessi, M., Duan, H., Xiong, J., Chen, B., He, F., Yang, L., Ma, Y., Bamgbade, O. A., Peng, J., & Yin, F. (2022). Attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder updates. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 15.

Question 3: Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Briefly discuss the selected condition/disorder.

Hyperemesis gravidarum is a severe nausea and vomiting problem during pregnancy. Hyperemesis gravidarum affects about 3% of pregnant mothers. Hormones such as estrogen and human chorionic gonadotropin hormones have been associated with hyperemesis gravidarum (Maslin & Dean, 2022).

Identify physical exam techniques for evaluating a pregnant woman.

The physical exam techniques for evaluating a pregnant woman are varied. They include inspection, auscultation, palpation, and percussion.

Describe the symptoms and physical exam findings associated with the condition/disorder.

The symptoms associated with hyperemesis gravidarum include severe nausea and vomiting, dehydration, weight loss, dizziness, extreme fatigue, fainting, headaches, and decreased urinary output. The physical examination findings that are seen in hyperemesis gravidarum include oliguria, dehydration, weight loss, and frequent vomiting (Vinnars et al., 2024).

Identify appropriate laboratory, imaging, and other diagnostic/screening tools that apply to the disorder and explain how they will help you with your diagnosis.

The appropriate laboratory, imaging, and other diagnostics in hyperemesis gravidarum include a complete blood count, a metabolic panel, and an obstetrics ultrasound. A complete blood count helps rule out anemia and infection. A metabolic panel will provide insights into fluid and electrolyte levels and renal functioning (Vinnars et al., 2024). An obstetrics ultrasound assesses fetal status.

List two other conditions that could cause a similar presentation (differential diagnoses) and explain how you would “rule out” those differentials.

The two differential diagnoses in hyperemesis gravidarum include gastritis and bowel obstruction. Patients with gastritis experience symptoms such as indigestion and abdominal fullness, which are not evident in hyperemesis gravidarum. Bowel obstruction is associated with symptoms such as abdominal pain, decreased bowel movements, and abdominal tenderness, which are not evident in hyperemesis gravidarum (Vinnars et al., 2024).


Maslin, K., & Dean, C. (2022). Nutritional consequences and management of hyperemesis gravidarum: A narrative review. Nutrition Research Reviews, 35(2), 308–318.

Vinnars, M.-T., Forslund, M., Claesson, I.-M., Hedman, A., Peira, N., Olofsson, H., Wernersson, E., & Ulfsdottir, H. (2024). Treatments for hyperemesis gravidarum: A systematic review. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 103(1), 13–29.

Endocrine Disorder: Hyperthyroidism

Briefly discuss the condition/disorder.

Hyperthyroidism is an endocrine disorder that is characterized by the excessive production of thyroid hormone by the thyroid gland. The increased production of thyroid hormone is associated with elevated body metabolism (Lee & Pearce, 2023). Hyperthyroidism develops due to causes such as Grave’s disease, thyroid nodules, and thyroiditis.

Discuss physical exam techniques for evaluating the endocrine disorder.

The physical examination techniques for assessing hyperthyroidism include inspection and palpation.

Describe the symptoms and physical exam findings associated with the condition/disorder.

The symptoms associated with hyperthyroidism include palpitations, weight loss, nervousness, increased appetite, diarrhea, vision changes, thin moist skin, menstrual changes, sleep problems, and heat intolerance. The physical examination findings that might be evident include goiter, weight loss, rapid heartbeat, decreased vision, and thin and moist skin (Hughes & Eastman, 2021).

Identify appropriate laboratory, imaging, and other diagnostic/screening tools that apply to the disorder and explain how they will help you with your diagnosis.

The appropriate laboratory, imaging, and other diagnostic screening for hyperthyroidism include thyroid function tests, a complete blood count, a blood glucose test, and a thyroid scan. Thyroid function tests will assess if the thyroid hormone levels are abnormal. A complete blood count helps rule out infections. A thyroid scan will help rule out malignancies of the thyroid gland (Hughes & Eastman, 2021). A blood glucose test helps rule out diabetes.


Hughes, K., & Eastman, C. (2021). Thyroid disease: Long-term management of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Australian Journal of General Practice, 50(1/2), 36–42.

Lee, S. Y., & Pearce, E. N. (2023). Hyperthyroidism: A Review. JAMA, 330(15), 1472–1483.

Question 5: Cystic Fibrosis

Briefly discuss the condition/disorder.

Cystic fibrosis is an inheritable disorder that affects the lungs, digestive system, and other body organs and systems. The disease affects the cells involved in the production of sweat, mucus, and digestive juices. It is characterized by the production and buildup of sticky mucus in the lungs, digestive system, and other body organs (De Boeck, 2020).

Describe the symptoms and physical exam findings associated with the condition/disorder

The symptoms associated with cystic fibrosis include a persistent cough, wheezing, lung infections, recurrent sinusitis, and exercise intolerance. They also include foul-smelling stools, intestinal blockage, poor growth and weight gain, and chronic or severe constipation. The physical examination findings in cystic fibrosis include stunted growth, the passage of foul-smelling stools, meconium ileus, and wheezing among others (Turcios, 2020).

Identify appropriate laboratory, imaging, or other diagnostic/screening tools that apply to the disorder and explain how they will help you with your diagnosis.

Laboratory investigations such as a sweat test, blood glucose test, and a complete blood count should be performed in cystic fibrosis. A sweat test is a standard investigation for cystic fibrosis diagnosis. A complete blood count helps rule out infections. A blood glucose test rules out problems with insulin production (De Boeck, 2020). Diagnostic investigations such as chest X-rays and abdominal ultrasounds might be needed to rule out respiratory system involvement and gastrointestinal problems such as obstruction.

List two other conditions that could cause a similar presentation (differential diagnoses) and explain how you would “rule out” those differentials.

The two differential diagnoses in cystic fibrosis are Shwachman-Diamond syndrome and nutritional deficiencies. Patients with Shwachman-Diamond syndrome have normal levels of sodium and chloride in their sweat while those with cystic fibrosis have elevated levels. Nutritional deficiencies do not affect other systems such as the respiratory system and gastrointestinal system while it does in cystic fibrosis (De Boeck, 2020).


De Boeck, K. (2020). Cystic fibrosis in the year 2020: A disease with a new face. Acta Paediatrica, 109(5), 893–899.

Turcios, N. L. (2020). Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease: An Overview. Respiratory Care, 65(2), 233–251.

Older Adult Condition: Dementia

Briefly discuss the condition/disorder.

Dementia is a common condition among the older patients. Dementia is characterized by symptoms that include difficulties in remembering things and making decisions. Dementia affects functioning among older patients (Livingston et al., 2020).

Describe the symptoms and physical exam findings associated with the condition/disorder.

Dementia symptoms include forgetting things, repeating information, misplacing common items, forgetting dates or days, finding it difficult to find the right words to use, irritability, and loss of interest in things and pleasure. Patients also report changes in sleeping patterns, difficulties in executing complex tasks, anxiety, confusion, and hallucinations. The physical examination findings that might be seen in patients with dementia include challenges in finding the right words to use, agitation, forgetfulness, confusion, and inability to complete complex tasks such as dressing (Cao et al., 2020).

Identify appropriate laboratory, imaging, and other diagnostic/screening tools that apply to the disorder and explain how they will help you with your diagnosis.

Appropriate laboratory tests for dementia include a complete blood count test, urinalysis, blood glucose test, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, and thyroid function tests. A complete blood count and cerebrospinal fluid analysis help rule out infections. Thyroid function tests rule out thyroid disorders while blood glucose test and urinalysis rules out hyperglycemia and urinary tract infections, which can cause symptoms similar to dementia. Brain imaging scans such as CT scans and MRIs can be performed to rule out brain tumors and changes in brain structures, which can cause dementia symptoms (Livingston et al., 2020).

List two other conditions that could cause a similar presentation (differential diagnoses) and explain how you would “rule out” those differentials.

Alzheimer’s disease and stroke are some of the differential diagnoses that should be considered in dementia. Patients with Alzheimer’s disease have cognitive decline and memory loss while those with dementia have a decline in cognitive abilities. Patients with stroke have other symptoms such as hemi-paralysis, which are not seen in dementia.


Cao, Q., Tan, C.-C., Xu, W., Hu, H., Cao, X.-P., Dong, Q., Tan, L., & Yu, J.-T. (2020). The Prevalence of Dementia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 73(3), 1157–1166.

Livingston, G., Huntley, J., Sommerlad, A., Ames, D., Ballard, C., Banerjee, S., Brayne, C., Burns, A., Cohen-Mansfield, J., Cooper, C., Costafreda, S. G., Dias, A., Fox, N., Gitlin, L. N., Howard, R., Kales, H. C., Kivimäki, M., Larson, E. B., Ogunniyi, A., … Mukadam, N. (2020). Dementia prevention, intervention, and care: 2020 report of the Lancet Commission. The Lancet, 396(10248), 413–446.


  1. Select anus/rectum condition or disorder. (180 words).

Then complete the following:

  1. Briefly discuss the condition/disorder.
  2. Describe the symptoms and physical exam findings associated with the condition/disorder.
  3. Identify appropriate laboratory, imaging, and other diagnostic/screening tools that apply to the disorder and explain how they will help you with your diagnosis.
  4. List two other conditions that could cause a similar presentation (differential diagnoses) and explain how you would “rule out” those differentials.

Support your description with a minimum of two APRN-approved scholarly resources.

2. Select one of the following psychiatric conditions or disorders. (180 words).

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder-Predominately Hyperactive Type
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder-Predominately Inattentive Type

Then complete the following:

  1. Briefly discuss the condition/disorder.
  2. Describe the symptoms and physical exam findings associated with the condition/disorder.
  3. Identify appropriate laboratory, imaging, and other diagnostic/screening tools that apply to the disorder and explain how they will help you with your diagnosis.
  4. List one physiologic condition that could cause a similar presentation to the psychiatric condition you selected (differential diagnoses) and explain how you would “rule out” those differentials.

Support your description with a minimum of two APRN-approved scholarly resources.

3. Select one condition or disorder that applies to the pregnant female and is pertinent to your future area of nurse practitioner practice which is family practice. Then complete the following: (180 words).

  1. Briefly discuss the selected condition/disorder.
  2. Identify physical exam techniques for evaluating a pregnant woman.
  3. Describe the symptoms and physical exam findings associated with the condition/disorder.
  4. Identify appropriate laboratory, imaging, and other diagnostic/screening tools that apply to the disorder and explain how they will help you with your diagnosis.
  5. List two other conditions that could cause a similar presentation (differential diagnoses) and explain how you would “rule out” those differentials.

Support your description with a minimum of two APRN-approved scholarly resources.

4. Select one endocrine condition or disorder. Then complete the following:

  1. Briefly discuss the condition/disorder.
  2. Discuss physical exam techniques for evaluating the endocrine disorder.
  3. Describe the symptoms and physical exam findings associated with the condition/disorder.
  4. Identify appropriate laboratory, imaging, and other diagnostic/screening tools that apply to the disorder and explain how they will help you with your diagnosis. (180 words).

Support your description with a minimum of two APRN-approved scholarly resources.

5. Select one pediatric-focused condition or disorder. Then complete the following: (200 words).

  1. Briefly discuss the condition/disorder.
  2. Describe the symptoms and physical exam findings associated with the condition/disorder.
  3. Identify appropriate laboratory, imaging, or other diagnostic/screening tools that apply to the disorder and explain how they will help you with your diagnosis.
  4. List two other conditions that could cause a similar presentation (differential diagnoses) and explain how you would “rule out” those differentials.

Support your description with a minimum of two APRN-approved scholarly resources.

6. Select one condition or disorder that applies to the older adult/geriatric populationSpecifically address the older adult population as related to prevalence, risk of complications, and treatment/management considerations. Then complete the following: (180 words).

  1. Briefly discuss the condition/disorder.
  2. Describe the symptoms and physical exam findings associated with the condition/disorder.
  3. Identify appropriate laboratory, imaging, and other diagnostic/screening tools that apply to the disorder and explain how they will help you with your diagnosis.
  4. List two other conditions that could cause a similar presentation (differential diagnoses) and explain how you would “rule out” those differentials.

Support your description with a minimum of two APRN-approved scholarly resources.


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