D156- Business Case Analysis for Healthcare Improvement

D156- Business Case Analysis for Healthcare Improvement

Task 1: Healthcare Improvement Project – Introduction and Project Initiation

Stakeholder Identification

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The success of the COPD Readmission Prevention Health Improvement Project (HIP) relied heavily on stakeholder identification techniques. Two methods were used to identify stakeholders: stakeholder analysis and collaborative discussions. An assessment was carried out to recognize the people and organizations who have a stake in the triumph of the HIP initiative, which aims to prevent readmissions for patients with COPD. Key stakeholders were identified and selected through a collaborative effort with healthcare professionals, community partners, and COPD management experts. A comprehensive understanding of the various stakeholders involved in COPD management was established through extensive discussions and careful analysis. By leveraging a wide range of expertise, our partnership enabled us to identify the most critical stakeholders and ensure that our outreach efforts were targeted and effective. The purpose was to ensure that all parties with an interest in the project’s success were recognized and included in the project’s development and implementation.

A seasoned pulmonologist with extensive experience in treating patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has been selected. They are well-versed in managing post-discharge care and rehabilitation. Their role in the project is to provide clinical expertise in developing patient care plans, managing medications, and guiding the interdisciplinary team on the latest advancements in COPD management. A community health nurse with a background in home healthcare and post-discharge follow-up has been selected. They are familiar with the local community’s healthcare landscape. Their role in the project is to facilitate the coordination of care after discharge, conduct home visits, and ensure seamless communication between the healthcare team and patients. They bring a community-focused perspective to the project. An expert in health information technology specializing in the development and implementation of telehealth solutions has been selected. Their role in the project is to integrate technology solutions to enhance communication and data sharing among healthcare providers. They play a crucial role in optimizing telehealth monitoring for post-discharge care and coordinating technological aspects of the project.

This HIP involves various stakeholders with different skills that complement the project’s objectives. These stakeholders include experts in clinical care, community-focused care, and technological innovation. A community health nurse is also part of the project to ensure that it meets the specific needs and challenges of the local community. Furthermore, a health information technology specialist is involved to ensure that the project incorporates advanced solutions for communication and data management, in line with the theme of utilizing technology.


Affinity analysis (Needs Assessment)

Needs assessment was a collaborative process. This process used structured discussions, interviews, and surveys involving key stakeholders such as healthcare providers, community partners, COPD patients, and specialists in the field. Open-ended questions were utilized to encourage stakeholders to share their perspectives on challenges related to COPD management, hospital readmissions, and potential improvement strategies. Brainstorming sessions and electronic surveys were employed to capture a wide range of ideas and opinions. Digital collaboration tools, such as online platforms, were utilized to collect and document ideas in real-time during group discussions. The captured ideas were grouped into clusters or themes based on commonalities and interrelated concepts. Overarching categories that emerged from the ideas, such as post-discharge care, medication management, patient education, rehabilitation, and interdisciplinary coordination, were identified.

Collaborative sessions involving stakeholders were facilitated to review and discuss organized themes. During these sessions, open dialogue and feedback were encouraged to ensure that diverse perspectives were considered and incorporated. Iterative feedback sessions were also conducted, allowing stakeholders to refine and revise the identified themes based on collective input. After identifying the themes, a thorough analysis was conducted to assess their impact on COPD readmissions and overall patient outcomes. Existing literature, case studies, and relevant data were reviewed to validate and contextualize the identified needs. The entire needs assessment process, including stakeholder input, organized themes, consensus-building activities, and the rationale for the identified needs, was documented in the affinity analysis document. Finally, a comprehensive report summarizing the findings and highlighting the key areas where improvement interventions were deemed necessary was developed.

Problem Identification

Individuals who suffer from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) often encounter the difficulty of frequent hospital readmissions, which can result in higher healthcare expenses and a lower quality of life. This problem is multifaceted, as it can be caused by various factors such as inadequate care after discharge, failure to comply with medication, insufficient knowledge of COPD self-management (Chen & Pan, 2021), limited access to pulmonary rehabilitation programs (Ribeiro et al., 2023), and inadequate coordination between healthcare providers (Guo et al., 2021). The project aims at reducing hospital readmissions related to COPD, which is significant for both the patients and the healthcare system. By addressing the issues comprehensively, the project aims to improve patient outcomes, resource utilization, and nursing practice through interdisciplinary collaboration and technology integration. The success of the project will contribute to a more sustainable and cost-effective model of care for COPD patients.

Problem Description

Over the past three years, we have observed a consistent trend of patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) being readmitted to our hospital frequently, as seen in the recent EHR records. This trend is often caused by various factors, including insufficient post-discharge care, failure to follow medication instructions, limited availability of pulmonary rehabilitation programs, and inadequate communication among healthcare providers.

Impact Analysis

The impact analysis results indicate that implementing the COPD Readmission Prevention Health Improvement Project (HIP) is a promising possibility. The project takes a comprehensive approach to tackle the key issues COPD patients face, such as inadequate post-discharge care, medication non-adherence, limited access to rehabilitation, and coordination challenges, which align with their needs. According to the impact analysis, if successfully implemented, the project has the potential to significantly reduce hospital readmissions, thereby alleviating the strain on healthcare resources and improving patient outcomes. The impact ratio calculation further suggests that the projected positive outcomes are favorable when compared to the resources invested in the project. With an impact ratio of 1.125, the benefits outweigh the risks. With a clear focus on enhancing patient education, leveraging technology, and fostering interdisciplinary coordination, the HIP is a feasible and impactful strategy to address the intricate challenges associated with COPD management and hospital readmissions.

SWOT Analysis

The COPD Readmission Prevention Health Improvement Project’s readiness within the organization was determined through a collaborative SWOT analysis process involving key stakeholders and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). The analysis identified the project’s internal strengths, weaknesses, external opportunities, and threats through workshops, data review, and iterative feedback. Adherence to Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) standards regarding communication and collaboration protocols was a crucial internal facilitator that seamlessly integrates the HIP into the organization’s commitment to ongoing healthcare enhancement. This compliance requirement provides a structured framework to assess the project’s effectiveness and aligns with the organization’s dedication to providing high-quality patient care. External factors included stakeholder involvement and community relevance. Overall, the organization’s readiness, demonstrated by a collaborative analysis and alignment with internal and external regulatory standards, positions the COPD Readmission Prevention HIP for successful implementation and sustained impact.


The COPD Readmission Prevention Health Improvement Project has been thoroughly analyzed and evaluated through impact analysis, stakeholder engagement, and SWOT analysis. These evaluations indicate that the initiative is strategically sound and comprehensive. The impact analysis highlights the importance of addressing COPD-related challenges and aligning the project’s goals with the need to reduce readmissions. Stakeholder engagement ensures a holistic approach that incorporates diverse perspectives and fosters a sense of ownership, which is crucial for sustained success. The SWOT analysis provides a clear roadmap by identifying internal strengths and weaknesses, external opportunities, and threats, allowing for a nuanced and proactive strategy that positions the project for successful implementation and lasting positive impact.





Chen, Y., & Pan, L. (2021). Nursing research on patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and respiratory failure based on big data. Journal of Healthcare Engineering2021, 2541751. https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/2541751

Guo, X., Men, F., Han, X., & Wang, Z. (2021). The efficacy of continuous nursing care for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A randomized controlled trial protocol: A randomized controlled trial protocol. Medicine100(2), e23974. https://doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000023974

Ribeiro, R., Oliveira, H., Goes, M., Gonçalves, C., Dias, A., & Fonseca, C. (2023). The effectiveness of nursing rehabilitation interventions on self-care for older adults with respiratory disorders: A systematic review with meta-analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health20(14). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20146422


Complete the “Healthcare Improvement Project Initiation” section of your healthcare improvement project (HIP) paper by doing the following:


Stakeholder Identification 

  1.  Summarize the process you used to identify three stakeholders who will contribute to the success of your project proposal by becoming members of your project team, including the following information:
  •  the technique you use to identify the three stakeholders
  •  a brief description of eachstakeholder’s experience or expertise
  •  the role eachstakeholder will have in supporting the proposed healthcare improvement project (HIP)


Note: Do not include the actual names of people.


Affinity Analysis (Needs Assessment)

  1.  Explain the process you used to determine the need for an HIP, including the following:
  •  the method to capture ideas from stakeholders
  •  how these ideas were organized into themes
  •  the process for reaching consensus on the need for a HIP


Problem Identification

  1.  Present the problem or opportunity that will be the focus of your project and explain the significance of your project to your target population, your organization, and your nursing practice.


Note: Use the problem or opportunity determined by your needs assessment.


Problem Description

  1.  Describe the background information leading up to the problem or opportunity at your organization.


Impact Analysis and Template

  1.  Assess the feasibility of implementing the HIP by doing the following:
  2.  Submit a copy of the “Impact Analysis Template”
  3.  Discuss the feasibility of the HIP using the results of your impact analysis and an interpretation of the impact ratio calculation.


SWOT Analysis and Template 

  1.  Assess the organization’s readiness for the HIP by doing the following:
  2.  Submit a copy of the “SWOT Analysis Template”
  3.   Describe the process used to complete the SWOT analysis, including how stakeholders or SMEs helped identify the factors that may impact the implementation of the HIP.
  4.  Describe one internal or external organizational regulatory or onecompliance requirement that may impede or facilitate the implementation of your project.


  1.  Incorporate the following components of APA style and formatting into your paper:
  •  bias-free language
  •  objectivity, credibility of sources, and evidence-based approach
  •  APA-specific rules regarding verb tense, voice, and perspective
  •  a title page and headers
  •  APA-specific formatting rules for in-text citations and references, margins, spacing, numbering, and indentation for the title page, main body, and appendices of your paper, including headers, bulleted and numbered lists, and tables and figures


  1.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.





The summary logically explains the process used to identify 3 stakeholders that will contribute to the success of the project proposal. The summary includes the technique used to identify the stakeholders, the experience or expertise of each stakeholder, and the role each stakeholder will have in supporting the proposed healthcare improvement project.




The explanation of the process used to conduct a needs assessment represents a logical progression of ideas into themes for the purpose of reaching consensus on the need for a HIP. The explanation includes all given components, which each contain accurate and relevant information.




The submission presents the problem or opportunity that will be the focus of the project and logically explains the significance of the project for the target population, the organization, and the nursing practice.




The description provides background information leading up to the problem or opportunity at the organization, and the information is relevant to the candidate’s HIP.




A completed “Impact Analysis Template” is submitted as Appendix A of the HIP paper, and all components of the impact analysis are logical and relate to the HIP and to assessing the feasibility of implementing the project.




The discussion accurately and logically assesses feasibility of the HIP using the results of the impact analysis and includes an accurate interpretation of the impact ratio calculation.




A completed “SWOT Analysis Template” is submitted as Appendix B of the HIP paper, and all elements of the SWOT analysis are logical and relevant to the organization and the HIP.




The description of the process used to complete the SWOT analysis is logical and logically describes how the stakeholders or SMEs helped identify factors that may impact the implementation of the HIP. The process used was appropriate for completing a SWOT analysis.




The description of 1 internal or external organizational regulatory or 1 compliance requirement logically addresses how it may impede or facilitate the implementation of the improvement project, including plausible examples.




The submission accurately and consistently incorporates all of the given APA style and format components as described in the current APA manual.




Content reflects attention to detail, is organized, and focuses on the main ideas as prescribed in the task or chosen by the candidate. Terminology is pertinent, is used correctly, and effectively conveys the intended meaning. Mechanics, usage, and grammar promote accurate interpretation and understanding.

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