Doctor of Nursing Practice Program NURS 7950 – Doctor of Nursing Practice II

Doctor of Nursing Practice Program NURS 7950 – Doctor of Nursing Practice II

Appendix C: Draft Implementation Plan

Assignments B-D & J.

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Doctor of Nursing Practice Program NURS 7950 – Doctor of Nursing Practice II
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NOTE: Final approval of all aspects of the DNP Final Scholarly Project rests with your project team and ultimately with final signature approval of your Project Team Leader.

Assignment Description

The student will write each assignment as a component of the Doctor of Nursing Practice Final Scholarly Project document. Course faculty will grade the assignment for grammar, spelling, APA formatting, professional writing style, conciseness, organization, and clarity of thoughts and will provide recommendations and revisions to improve the communication of ideas through writing.

Assignment Objectives

The student will:

  1. Develop their thoughts relevant to the writing assignment based on reference course materials and in collaboration with their project team.
  2. Develop written assignments.
  3. Review recommendations and revisions to improve the communication of ideas through writing.

Assignment Steps

To complete this assignment:

  1. Review reference course materials associated with the assignment.
  2. Collaborate with their project team and Project Team Leader to develop their assignment.
  3. Submit the assignment by the deadline in the Assignments feature of the course web presence in Blackboard.

Assignment Evaluation

Each of these assignments will be evaluated according to the following rubric:







APA 7TH FORMATTING Proper APA 7th formatting is absent or is incorrect for the majority of citations and reference page resources are accurately written. Proper APA 7th formatting for some to most of the citations and reference page resources are accurately written. Proper APA 7th Ed formatting for all citations and reference page resources are accurately written.
ORGANIZATION & COHERENCE OF THOUGH with Scaffolding, Revisions as per Project Team, Advisor and or Course Grader Assignment is disorganized, sections are difficult to find (no headings), and assignment illustrates a disorganized written document. Coherence of thought is not evident. Assignment is somewhat organized, some sections are difficult to find (not enough headings), and assignment illustrates a somewhat disorganized written document. Coherence of thought is somewhat evident. Assignment is clearly organized, sections are easy to find (headings used) and assignment illustrates an organized written document. Coherence of thought is clearly evident.
GRAMMAR & SPELLING Multiple grammar and spelling errors noted. Preponderance of inappropriate use of passive voice or clarity-limiting words is evident. Few to several grammar or spelling errors noted. Some inappropriate use of passive voice or clarity-limiting words is evident. No grammar or spelling errors noted. Appropriate use of passive voice or clarity-limiting words is evident.
PROFESSIONAL WRITING Evidence of unprofessional style of writing throughout, e.g., use of first person, familiar tone, colloquial language. Evidence of unprofessional style of writing in some places, e.g., use of first person, familiar tone, colloquial language. No evidence of unprofessional style of writing throughout.

Please note that each rubric will be specific for each assignment. Follow in Course Blackboard Assignment section.

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