NR 603 Diagnostic Testing and Patient Management Assignment

NR 603 Diagnostic Testing and Patient Management Assignment

In assessing a client’s health condition, selecting appropriate diagnostic tests is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective management. For this client, experiencing symptoms indicative of gastrointestinal issues, I would opt for the following diagnostic tests: Tissue glutaminase antibody (IgA-tTG), C Reactive Protein (CRP), Complete Blood Count (CBC), CT abdomen, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), Colonoscopy, Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP), and Vitamin B12 level test.

In healthcare, selecting appropriate diagnostic tests is pivotal for accurate diagnosis and subsequent management of patients’ conditions. Each test carries its significance, aiding in the management of a patient’s health status. First, the Tissue glutaminase antibody (IgA-tTG) test, priced at $31, serves as a crucial tool for diagnosing celiac disease, which often presents with gastrointestinal symptoms. C Reactive Protein (CRP), priced at $35, aids in the assessment of inflammation and is particularly helpful in identifying inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), among other conditions. The Complete Blood Count (CBC), costing $26, helps us understand various blood components, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets, helping to detect infections, anemia, and other blood disorders.

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Meanwhile, the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), priced at $16, complements CRP in assessing inflammation levels. Although relatively expensive at $655, the CT abdomen offers detailed imaging of abdominal structures, which is crucial for identifying structural abnormalities, tumors, or other underlying causes of gastrointestinal symptoms. The Colonoscopy, priced at $3512, remains the gold standard for evaluating the colon and rectum and is indispensable for diagnosing colorectal cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and other gastrointestinal conditions.

Moving on to metabolic evaluation, the Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP), priced at $54, assesses various metabolic markers, including electrolytes, kidney function, and liver enzymes, providing valuable insights into overall health status. Finally, the Vitamin B12 level test, costing $55, is essential for diagnosing deficiencies that can manifest with gastrointestinal symptoms.

Considering the estimated national average costs provided, the total cost for these diagnostic tests for an uninsured individual would amount to $4835. This significant financial burden influences my decision-making process regarding ordering these tests. While each test provides valuable diagnostic information, I would prioritize those most crucial for initial evaluation, considering the client’s presenting symptoms and medical history (Lopes et al., 2024).

Additionally, I would explore alternative, cost-effective diagnostic options or seek financial assistance programs to mitigate the financial strain on the patient. The lack of insurance will impact the management plan. Without coverage, accessing timely healthcare services and necessary medications poses challenges for the patient,  affecting treatment adherence and health outcomes, as stated by Lopes et al. (2024). In such a scenario, I would collaborate with the patient to develop a tailored management plan, considering their financial constraints and ensuring optimal care within available resources.

In addition, if the client is experiencing food insecurity or lacks stable housing, it will significantly impact their health and ability to manage chronic conditions effectively. In response, I would incorporate social determinants of health into the management plan, connecting the patient with community resources such as food assistance programs, shelters, and social services (Politi et al., 2023). Additionally, I will undertake pharmaceutical assistance programs to ensure access to essential medications despite financial limitations.

Effective patient management requires not only clinical expertise but also consideration of socioeconomic factors that influence health outcomes. By prioritizing diagnostic tests based on clinical necessity, exploring cost-effective options, and addressing social determinants of health, healthcare providers can optimize care delivery and improve patient outcomes even in the face of financial barriers.


Lopes, L., Montero, A., Presiado, M., & Hamel, L. (2024, March 1). Americans’ challenges with health care costs. KFF.

Politi, M. C., Housten, A. J., Forcino, R. C., Jansen, J., & Elwyn, G. (2023). Discussing cost and value in patient decision aids and shared decision making: A call to action. MDM Policy & Practice8(1), 238146832211486.


Reflection: Address the following questions:

  1. Which diagnostic tests did you select for this client? Using the estimated national average cost for each diagnostic test from a website such as MD save
  • Links to an external site. calculate the total cost for diagnostic testing for this client if she was uninsured. How might this information change your decision to order diagnostic tests for the client? Would lack of insurance change your management plan? Why or why not?
  1. How would you alter your management plan for this client if she was experiencing food insecurity or lack of housing?
  • Include the following components:
  1. write 150-300 words in a Microsoft Word document
  2. demonstrate clinical judgment appropriate to the virtual patient scenario
  3. cite at least one relevant scholarly source as defined by program expectations
  4. communicate with minimal errors in English grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation

Tissue glutaminase antibody (IgA-tTG)

C Reactive Protein


CT abdomen




Vitamin B12

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