NR 709A Week 1Data Collection, Management, and Project Update Discussion

NR 709A Week 1Data Collection, Management, and Project Update Discussion

Data Collection, Management, and Project Update

Practice Question

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NR 709A Week 1Data Collection, Management, and Project Update Discussion
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For adult psychiatric patients at the practicum site, does the implementation of a mindfulness-based stress reduction program, compared to current practice, impact anxiety levels in 8-10 weeks?

Plan for data analysis

For data analysis, I intend to employ both quantitative and qualitative methods tailored to the project’s objectives. In quantitative analysis, anxiety levels, which were measured before and after the intervention using the standardized assessment instrument, the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item (GAD-7) scale, will be compared (Villarreal-Zegarra et al., 2024). While inferential statistics like paired t-tests are used to evaluate changes in anxiety scores before and after the intervention, descriptive statistics are used to summarize the demographic characteristics of the participants. To explicate participants’ experiences with mindfulness training, qualitative analysis will include thematic coding of semi-structured interviews as Langer et al. (2020) did. To enhance comprehension of intervention outcomes, themes pertaining to perceived advantages, obstacles, and recommendations for enhancement will be identified (Tseng, 2024). The combination of the two methodologies will provide a thorough understanding of intervention results.

Evaluation of Project Outcome

The project’s success will be evaluated by assessing reductions in anxiety symptom severity and changes in stress management perceptions among participants. Improvements in anxiety ratings both before and after the intervention will be measured quantitatively, and participant interviews will yield extensive insights into the perceived advantages and difficulties. Planning for sustainability and refining interventions will be influenced by stakeholder input from surveys and focus groups, guaranteeing that they align with participant requirements and organizational objectives. The review will offer a thorough appraisal of how well the mindfulness-based stress reduction program has performed in enhancing mental health outcomes.


Langer, Á. I., Medeiros, S., Valdés-Sánchez, N., Brito, R., Steinebach, C., Cid-Parra, C., Magni, A., & Krause, M. (2020). A qualitative study of a mindfulness-based intervention in educational contexts in Chile: An approach based on adolescents’ voices. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17(18), 6927.

Tseng, A. (2024). Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) interventions on mindfulness and stress symptoms for cancer patients: A quantitative assessment. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine09(01), 1–30.

Villarreal-Zegarra, D., Paredes-Angeles, R., Mayo-Puchoc, N., Arenas-Minaya, E., Huarcaya-Victoria, J., & Copez-Lonzoy, A. (2024). Psychometric properties of the GAD-7 (General Anxiety Disorder-7): a cross-sectional study of the Peruvian general population. BMC Psychology12(1).




The purpose of this discussion is to examine the data you have collected, analyzed, and are using to evaluate the effectiveness of your DNP practice change project.


Reflect on your readings this week and respond to the following in 150 words or less:

  1. Describe your plan for data analysis. Attach any tool that you are using for your project evaluation.
  2. Explain and appraise how you will evaluate your project outcome.

Please click on the following link to review the DNP Discussion Guidelines on the Student Resource Center program page:

Program Competencies

This discussion enables the student to meet the following program competencies:

  1. Integrates scientific underpinnings into everyday clinical practice. (POs 3, 5)
  1. Applies organizational and system leadership skills to affect systemic changes in corporate culture and to promote continuous improvement in clinical outcomes. (PO 6)
  1. Uses analytic methods to translate critically appraised research and other evidence into clinical scholarship for innovative practice improvements. (POs 3, 5)
  1. Appraises current information systems and technologies to improve health care. (POs 6, 7)


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