NUR 665 Nursing Education Practicum Lesson Plan
NUR-665E Practicum Lesson Plan Template
Please note, this lesson plan will be implemented in the practicum setting. Complete the practicum lesson plan outline below. The lesson plan must be completed using this template.
- Description of the Topic, Practicum Setting, and Learners
- Topic: Cardiac Drip Titration- only Nitroglycerine, Dobutamine, Cardene, and Amiodarone. A brief discussion on Tikosyn medication will also be included.
- Practicum setting: Intermediate Medical Unit in an Acute Hospital setting
- Learners: IMU Nurses
- Lesson Outcomes (Include additional outcomes as needed.)
By the end of this lesson, each learner should be able to:
- Understand the indications, nursing assessment, and nursing intervention for each drip, including nitroglycerine, Dobutamine, Cardene, and Amiodarone
- Understand the EBP titration guideline for each drip.
- Describe the nursing assessment, nursing intervention, and mechanism of action of Tikosyn
- Interpret the information on the table regarding dosages, effects on heart rate and effects on BP for each of the 4 included drips.
- Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies (Describe the strategies you will use to teach the content and address the diverse learning styles of the students. Include additional strategies as needed.)
- Feedback: giving feedback is a teaching strategy different from praise. During feedback, the learner is informed about how they performed in a particular task and how they can improve (Ghasemi et al., 2020). Through feedback, learners can understand what they did well, where they are, and what to do to improve. This approach helps in boosting learners’ performance. As an educator, feedback will help me in planning for the next course of teaching based on the learner’s improvement. Learners are also able to reflect on their learning and adopt various activities that will help in improving their performance.
- Questioning to check for understanding: Asking questions is a form of a teaching strategy that enhances the active participation of learners. Questions can be posed before teaching to assess learners’ prior knowledge and some after teaching a lesson to understand the learner’s comprehension and level of understanding (Ghasemi et al., 2020). While teaching my learners, I will include questions at the end of every learning concept to assess learners’ understanding. A random sampling of learners will ensure that every learner has an equal opportunity to participate in the class activity. I will use simple and well-organized PowerPoint presentations to enhance learners’ understanding.
- Content Outline (Outline the content that will be covered in the lesson. Include the timeframe for each activity. Add additional bullet points as needed.)
- Opening activities:
- Introduction and attracting learner`s attention (3 minutes): I will start the lesson by introducing myself while using a loud and confident voice. I will tell my learners about myself, including my name, education, position, and interests. I will provide my contact for learners to reach me at any time.
- Share learning objectives with learners (5 minutes): I will share the broad and specific learning objectives. I will also include the sources of content. I will also state the standards of engagement and rules in class, including the dos and don`ts.
- Teaching and learning activities:
- Present content of the lesson (15 minutes): Assess what learners already know about cardiac drip titration, including their previous interactions with different titrations. Inform learners about indication, nursing assessment, and nursing interventions for various cardiac titrations. I will also include the EBP guidelines for different titrations.
- Eliciting Performance (15 minutes): I will demonstrate how different cardiac drips are provided and then divide learners to perform role-playing. Case studies will guide the roles played by every group who will write down their responses.
- Closing activities:
- Give feedback and allow questions (5 minutes): I will assess the answers provided and give feedback to learners. I will also allow learners to ask questions in areas they need clarification.
- Give assignments and schedule the next class (5 minutes): At the end of it, I will provide learners with writing assignments on the current lesson and some reading materials to prepare for the next class. The schedule for the next class with learners will follow and mark the end of the presentation.
- Evaluations (How will the students demonstrate what they have learned?)
- Formative evaluation(s): formative assessment is a continuous type of assessment happening in class during the lesson or in the course of a unit (Li et al., 2020). These assessments help monitor student progress through ongoing feedback that help student identify their strength and weaknesses. Learners and teachers also identify areas of improvement. I will engage learners during class through questions, give assignments, encourage self-assessment, and provide pop Quizzes to assess learners’ progress and demonstrate what they have learned.
- Summative evaluation(s): Summative assessments are used to evaluate what learners have achieved at the end of a unit, program, or course (Massey et al., 2022). Summative assessments can take various forms, including projects, exams, experiments, portfolios, and presentations. Summative assessments help teachers to measure learners’ understandings, achievements, and skills at the end of a course. Students can also reflect on their strengths, weakness, and progress through summative assessments. For this topic, learners will demonstrate their understanding by sitting an exam and demonstrating practical skills.
- Instructor satisfaction survey (Briefly describe the outcome of your instructor satisfaction survey and include the survey in Appendix A).
Based on the instructor satisfaction survey, progress in learning was evident. Most students were satisfied with the learning as the content was provided concisely and straightforwardly. Learners grasped most of the knowledge shared and were satisfied with the teaching strategies employed by the teacher. Learners acknowledged the rigorous process the teacher took to prepare adequately for the lesson to deliver precise content. Learners were also impressed that they could easily reach the instructor at any time.
- Learning needs assessment (Include the learning needs assessment in Appendix B).
Student nurses are trained to attain the best knowledge and develop skills that will help them care for patients in the future. They have specific needs and expectations for their learning. Therefore, nurse educators must assess their learners and identify their learning needs to enable them to meet the needs of learners. Understanding learning needs also helps educators to prepare adequately and incorporate the best teaching strategies that enhance learning outcomes and improve learner satisfaction. I always assess my students and conduct learning needs assessments to help me in preparation for my lesson and delivery of teaching to satisfy my learners.
Ghasemi, M. R., Moonaghi, H. K., & Heydari, A. (2020). Strategies for sustaining and enhancing nursing students’ engagement in academic and clinical settings: a narrative review. Korean Journal of Medical Education, 32(2), 103–117.
Li L., Cong X., & Wu L.-L. (2020). Application and enlightenment of formative assessment in the innovation and development of higher education in basic medical science. Sheng li xue bao [Acta physiologica Sinica], 72(6), 743–750.
Massey, S., Chadha, R., Campbell, D., & Rodgers, C. (2022). The predictive strength of the End of Curriculum exam. The Journal of Physician Assistant Education: The Official Journal of the Physician Assistant Education Association, 33(1), 59–63.
Appendix A
Directions: Include your instructor satisfaction survey below.
Instructor Satisfaction Survey
Dear learners, please take your time to fill out this survey to help in rating your educator. The information you provide will help in improving classroom performance and the general outcome of learning. Your participation is highly valued.
- Make sure the assessment you provide is original and personal. Do not converse with other students while completing this evaluation
- Read the statements and provide your response using the appropriate number
- Only one response per answer is allowed for the first part.
- In the second part, you will provide brief answers.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Strongly disagree | Disagree
Strongly agree. |
- The teacher managed their time well in class
- The instructor was well-prepared for the lesson
- The content of the lesson was provided concisely and straightforward
- The teacher engaged the class effectively
- The objectives of each class were met.
- The teacher provided class rules and standards of engagement
- Learners had easy access to the lecturer.
- The instructor explained every detail of the learning
- The instructor provided tests and questions in line with the lesson.
- The instructor answered all questions as directed by the learners.
- The teacher is an effective educator.
Part 2
Please provide a brief explanation in the spaces provided.
- What did you like most about the instructor?
- Which part of the topic did you enjoy most?
- What are some of the recommendations to improve this course?
Appendix B
Directions: Include the learning needs assessment that you created in Topic 7 below.
Learning Needs Assessment Questions
Demographic data:
Education level
Needs assessment Questions
- What is your current area of specialty?
- Have you ever worked in the intermediate medical unit before?
- Have you ever taken care of patients with cardiac conditions?
- What cardiac medications have you interacted with before?
- How will learning about cardiac medications help you in the future?
- What are gaps in care for patients in IMU have you noticed?
- What are strategies in your mind that will help in addressing the gaps?
- Do you think the time allocated for this practicum experience is enough? Explain.
- What would you like to learn about the management of patients in the acute care setting in IMU?
- How will you transform the knowledge gained in this practicum into your future practice?
- What are the sources of information for your learning?
- Do you apply evidence-based practice in your learning and care for patients?
- Do you think you can use the skills and knowledge from this practicum in the clinical area?
NUR 665 Lesson Plan
Setting: IMU unit in acute hospital setting
Topic: Cardiac Drip Titration—only Nitroglycerin, Dobutamine, Cardene, Amiodarone—-a brief hit on the po medication Tikosyn will also be included with indications and nursing assessment/interventions.
Brief explanation of project:
· A PowerPoint presentation will be included for the brief (approx. 30 minute) class
· Each drip will include indications, nursing assessment (physical & labs, etc), nursing interventions
· Each drip will include company policy information if available
· Each drip will include appropriate EBP titration guidelines/procedure
· Tikosyn is a po med that will have 1 slide with most important information for nursing assessment and interventions and medication mechanism of action
· I would like to include graphics, tables, and multiple styles of slides for learning
· I will also include case scenario questions that will evoke critical thinking by students (to be answered in small groups or as a whole class….whichever is most appropriate timewise
· The IMU nurses are typically experienced and will not need extensive information presented