Nursing With Children Case Study Essay
Role of the Community Nurse in an Aboriginal Community in the Kimberly region
Format and Structure
Write a 1400-word academic discussion case study essay.
Case study scenario
You are a Registered Nurse in the paediatric short-stay unit. Upon arrival this morning, you were given a brief handover of Joe, a 21-month-old boy, who was allocated to you. Joe was admitted yesterday through the emergency department following a four-day history of fever, coughing, copious and thick nasal secretion, lethargy, and poor feeding. Joe has a diagnosis of bronchiolitis following a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection. After the handover, you decide to conduct your first observations on Joe and the following were recorded: Breath rate 57 breaths per minute, Temperature 39.5oC, Oxygen saturations 90%, heart rate 148 beats per minute, Blood pressure 105/70mmHg and Capillary refill 2-3 seconds. Joe appears restless, inconsolable, apathetic, and disinterested in his environment. You also noticed increased work of breathing, intercostal retractions and nasal flaring. Molly, his mother, says Joe is still having feeding difficulties.
Assessment Instructions
Detailed instructions
Step 1: Understand the assignment task
Based on the scenario above,
- Discuss the pathophysiology of Bronchiolitis.
- Discuss the assessments you will carry out on Joe.
- Discuss how you will manage Joe.
- Explain the health education and promotion you will emphasize on discharge
Your assessment is expected to have the following 6 sections:
- Introduction (Approximately 100 words)
Please provide a general introduction to the case study.
- Include the following: a definition of presenting condition, the prevalence of the condition, an overview of the case study and give a clear direction to your essay (signpost).
- Pathophysiology (Approximately 250 words)
In this section, describe the pathophysiology of the presenting diagnosis and the aetiology of the presenting symptoms.
- Nursing assessments and management (Approximately 900 words)
In this section, discuss how you will carry out your assessments and management of Joe.
- Isolate and discuss the potential and actual nursing issues identified in the scenario.
- What range of nursing assessments will you undertake?
- Choose and use appropriate tools/frameworks to approach and prioritise your assessments and management (e.g. Paediatric Assessment Tool, ABCDE, and/or Primary Assessment Framework)
- Consider any potential changes following your interventions e.g. deterioration or improvement and how this will impact the care provided.
- You should identify, consider and briefly discuss the nursing management relevant to your patient and tailored to your assessment findings.
- Discuss the nursing assessment and management strategies while incorporating the child and family centred care and provide examples where applicable.
- This section should demonstrate your critical thinking skills while applying evidence-informed practice.
- Incorporate any holistic health considerations and rationales to demonstrate critical thinking.
- Health promotion (Approximately 100)
You should discuss the actions and strategies you will put in place to promote Joe’s health and that of her family after discharge from the hospital.
- Discuss strategies you will employ to teach Joe and his family.
- What real-time community support resources will you refer Joe to?
- Conclusion (Approximately 50 words)
Provide an overview of the assignment and the relevant points identified from your case study/paper. Do not introduce new information in this section. Refer to marking rubric for more information
- Referencing
- Your in-text and end-text referencing style should follow referencing guidelines – APA 7thedition style.
- A minimum of 10 current and credible academic references (peer-reviewed journal articles, scholarly books and credible websites) is expected. Accepted academic peer-reviewed journal articles for this assessment should not be older than five years and scholarly books up to 10 years old are accepted. Credible resources include evidence-based research and best practice guidelines (Australian and international if relevant, e.g. World Health Organisation).
- Patient information sources and public access medical websites designed for non-health professionals, eg. eMedicine, MayoClinic, BetterHealthChannel, GPNotes, medical dictionary, Wikipedia, and will not be accepted as academic references.
- All references need to be from reputable sources.