Professional Accountability Reflection Assignment

Professional Accountability Reflection Assignment

Social media has transformed significantly human interactions in the modern world. People can interact amongst themselves irrespective of their locations globally. Social media also influences healthcare. Nurses and other healthcare providers utilize it to access and share information with others. Effective social media use is important in advancing ethical nursing practice. Therefore, this essay reflects my analysis of social media accounts and nurses’ responsibility to ensure responsible use of social media.


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Professional Accountability Reflection Assignment
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I reviewed my social media activities and those of my friends. I found out that I have been sharing a lot of positive information on my social media platforms. I have been sharing health-related information, websites, and images that promote healthy living. I have also been searching a lot about new trends in the fashion industry since I love new trends. I reviewed my friend’s posts on the social media pages. I discovered that most of them share information about politics, economics, and the entertainment industry. I also found that most of them do not use vulgar language when interacting with others. My friends share images about celebrities, new products in the market, and quotes to encourage their followers. They also create discussion forums for different topics that affect them such as technological developments and new policies in health.


The activity on social media somehow aligns with my personal values and nursing professional values. I always maintain respect in any of my social media activities. I do not abuse or deceive others. I also share facts and contribute objectively to others’ posts and comments. I also do not share private and confidential information on these sites. My friends’ activities also align with my personal values and nursing professional values. They do not abuse their privileges through ways such as deceit, dishonesty, and being rude to others. They also rarely share private and confidential information.

Family, Friends, and Colleagues

Family, friends, and colleagues would not consider the posts, conversations, and images authentic and representative of my identity. This is because most of the information shared on social media platforms in most cases does not represent our identity. It is a way of finding out other peoples’ perspectives of the issues that affect them. Social media information might also be false, hence, not reflecting our uniqueness as individuals.

Christian Values

Social media activities respect the human value and dignity of others as reflected in Christian values. I respect others’ views about different topics or issues shared on social media platforms. I also do not abuse others or give false information. I also strive to ensure that I share objective, authentic information with my friends (Farsi, 2021). As a result, I believe that the activity respects human and Christian values and dignity.

Nurses Responsibility

Nurses are responsible for upholding a standard of conduct consistent with professional values, regulatory requirements, and workplace policies in both personal and professional interactions. Nurses should demonstrate behaviors that align with their professional standards of practice. This includes ensuring private and confidential information of their patients is not shared online. They also ensure informed consent is obtained before any use of the patient’s information. Inappropriate use of social media has legal and ethical implications for a nurse’s practice. For example, employers and state boards of nursing have taken legal actions against nurses who have shown inappropriate social media use such as sharing patient data on social media platforms. Such actions violate the provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (Grace, 2022). Therefore, nurses should uphold the rules and regulations of social media use to ensure ethical practice in their roles.


In summary, the activity on my social media and that of my friends aligns with my personal and professional values. My family, friends, and colleagues would not consider the information I share as representative of my identity. Social media activity respects human values and the dignity of others as reflected in Christian values. Nurses have the responsibility to uphold a standard of conduct consistent with professional values, regulatory requirements, and workplace policies in their personal and professional interactions.


Farsi, D. (2021). Social Media and Health Care, Part I: Literature Review of Social Media Use by Health Care Providers. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(4), e23205.

Grace, P. J. (2022). Nursing Ethics and Professional Responsibility in Advanced Practice. Jones & Bartlett Learning.



For this assignment, log-in to each social media platform for which you have an account. Review your profile and most recent activity including pictures and posts. If you do not have a social media account, access one of the following social media platforms in order to view the social media posts and activities of others: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok. Reflect on the information and content you and others post on a daily basis.

In 500-750 words, summarize your findings. Include the following in your summary:

  1. Describe the posts, conversations, and images you evaluated.
  2. Does the activity on social media appear to align with your personal values and the professional values of your discipline?
  3. Would family, friends, and colleagues consider the posts, conversations, and images authentic and representative of who you are as unique individuals?
  4. Does the activity on social media respect the human value and dignity of others as reflected in Christian values?
  5. Discuss why nurses have a responsibility to uphold a standard of conduct consistent with professional values, regulatory requirements, and workplace policies in both personal and professional interactions. Include a discussion of how personal conduct can violate the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 or be considered unethical and unprofessional. Provide an example to support your answer.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

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